quadratic sum meaning in Chinese
- With the basis of the system of nonlinear equations which is established by minimizing the error quadratic sum of theoretical and actual shaded value of the points on the typical surface , the parameters of the illumination models can be firstly determined by means of the least - square procedure
首先,以典型曲面上各点的理论灰度值与实测灰度值的误差平方和最小为目标建立非线性方程组,以非线性最小二乘理论为基础,通过解非线性方程组确定光照模型各个参数值。 - With the basis of nonlinear least squares theory , the system of nonlinear equations is established by minimizing the error quadratic sum of theoretical and actual gray level of the points on the typical surface , and the parameters of the illumination models can be determined by means of the least - squares procedure